
On the mountaintop
it’s not easy to see
tiny blue flowers
that grow next to
stream in the valley
Yet, we readily contain
both in our awareness…

Heart and Meaning

I am in touch
with what has heart and 
meaning for me
I live in harmony
with my deepest values
Spirit is the heart
and meaning in my life
Positively blessed

Summer of Squirrels

When squirrels play
the branches 
of the dancing trees
are fun highways
for hilarious capers
Ever dreamt of
being a flying squirrel?
Let’s play!
• • •
Meanwhile, you and the squirrels
conversing in the yard…
Now, there’s a happy thought!

Crucible of Life

Distilled essence emerges
when still
Having gone through the fire
 crucible of life
instilled with light
heat of passion
Deep thirst quenched
at the eternal spring
refreshing spirit

Rainbow Gold

Delight, the light
as it tingles up the spine
Like it does
when you meld
with a rainbow
That’s the pot of gold…

Fear’s Surrender

Flipping through choices
like a rolodex gone awry
Amazed, eyes glazed over
overwhelmed by abundance
Scared rabbit
deer in the headlights
In that moment
peace rises to the top