One Step…

“One step at a time…”
we’ve all heard the line

We know it’s true
it sits in our bones

Still, doesn’t it seem
that sometimes

We could just teleport
to our heart’s desire?

Nimble Hearts

That big guy, all nimbly on his toes
pirouetted and sang wowza songs
You and I in harmony
soft shoe along, a part of a throng
A chorus of silliness
light heartedness, all nimbly too
• • • •
May we ever dance
All nimbly
Joined at the heart
Of joyousness

Warming of the Heart

Sometimes I notice
the curl of your neck
or some other tender spot

And I’m reminded
In just that moment
of human vulnerabilities
And the warming of the heart

It’s then the butterflies arise again
And I am prompted to say something

Still and Rich

A checkered box
covered with jewel-like beads

And full to within an inch
of emptiness, still and rich

Such is my day
such is my life

Such is the experience
when immersed
in love and gratitude

All That Is

Who put the thought out there
with glowing lights
and propping up implements
That All that is
is limited by our limitations
That Infinity fits in a box
that All could be nothing?
• • • •
Little squirrel contemplated
All that is for a moment
Before leaping off the branch
in search of a nut

True Self

Upon quiet self reflection
in the silence of his quiet mind
He knew his inner value
the truth of his true self
It was good when he remembered that
in the rushing around of his day