Friendship Poem

If I were to write a friendship poem
filled with joy, love
my deep appreciation

And hide it in the pocket of your shirt
or prop it up on the table
where you eat your breakfast

What a little thing
that would be

Yet shift happens

Like a butterfly’s fluttering wing
that one small act moves mountains
eventually or sooner

As you come to know a little more
how very much you are loved

Hallowed Eyes

Hallowed eyes
grasp me in their grip
telling stories of an old
crisp and dusty nature

Awakening feelings
stale in flesh
and bright in Spirit

Keep me ever in that gaze
Let the shackles slip away
crusted build up soften

And new day dawn
around me
within me…

Camera Mugging

Sometimes, he has too much fun
Dancing and cracking up
Mugging it up for some non-existent camera

The joy bubbling through
in an almost frantic pace

On those high-stepping days
of Laurel and Hardy moves
and free-flowing morning scat

I appreciate his sense of humor
and the way he occupies
his body in the present moment

Brink of Epiphany

Balanced on the brink
 of Epiphany

Filled with a knowing
that All is well

There arises a tapestry
a cacophony of voices

Urging and cheering
badgering and jeering
actions conflicting

It’s almost as if they are all right
For any movement, in faith
will spark a light

Serenity Glade

Imagine a place beyond, if you will

Beyond skewed perceptions
beyond all judgments of you and me

There, in that glade with softened light
where dappled and delightful dwell
I’ve found moments of serenity

Bubbling creek of understanding running by
The sweet smell of harmony filling my senses

And ever present, the sounds
and caress of peace
softening my knowing with Love

Grateful Toes

I am grateful for my toes
As they wiggle to and fro

And help me keep my balance
As I walk my path in life

Sometimes I just move tippy-toe
Rooting with each light step

Aware of the living connection
Held onto the earth in toe’s grip

Other times I treat my toes
To a walk in the grass or mud

Giving thanks to them
For helping make life so good