All are Sacred

In the shadow of the moonlight
where mystery stalks our thoughts

A palpable encompassing force
creeps beside, around and through

A midnight walk in forest
A solo flight in deep wood
into dreams and deeper things

There the shadows lurk
with not a bit of timid
and sounds arise enlarged
to wreak a cacophony of fears

Still each of us remains a light
and all of us are Sacred

So every nook may be embraced
and each peaceful, joyful, thrill relished

Oh, Happy Storm!

A big joyous sound swelled forth
from lips and instruments
like a huge wave
in a happy storm

People dancing in the aisles
waving arms and wagging heads

Young and old alike
jubilant, energized
filled with holy Spirit

Awake, aware, alive!

Happy Bugs

The bugs are happy
when we dig into the pile

They run hither and dither
and then hither and yon

Oh boy! Oh boy!

More food for the fodder
more rotting vegetables
enough for the mudder

Happy day in the compost pile
Happy day in the dirt
Happy day in the sunshine
Happy day in the dark

Warm Colors

Warm colors gusting past
and falling on heads
drifting into the corners
softening rigid lines

In the circle of community
each is held up
surrounded by soft edges
and warm colors

Like leaves, we drift
to fill in gaps with love
and support for each other…

Be Still, My Speeding Heart

Inspired by blurred wings
of jeweled and joyous hummingbird
and the languid lurch
of true and intrepid turtle

My heart travels
at its own speed
as I journey through
spicy and bland
juicy and dry

And even when I stomp out
the sparks of fiery controversy
infecting my peaceful brain