Tree of Life

Tree of Life

Outside the Box is the name of the major annual Placer Arts fundraiser show and auction.  My piece for the show this year is of the seasons on the Tree of Life. It is up for a silent auction right now online (check it out here) which will culminate live at the Blue Goose in Loomis on January 31.

The process for the Outside the Box show is that you start with a “box” that Placer Arts provides and incorporate that in the art piece to be shown and auctioned off to benefit Placer Arts. There is all kinds of wonderful art available in the show. Everyone this year really outdid themselves. I am honored to be included in their ranks.

Wheel of Life

Wheel of Life

I’ve been working on some mandala ideas lately, and the endless cyclical nature of things as well as the tree of life. This image is one of the slides in a new video slide show. (My first YouTube slideshow!)




Even at the beach, she appeared unruffled…

There isn’t much that would ruffle Fanny

Her countenance of fortitude

indicative of an intelligent woman

with no real bones to pick

other than the major ones one must face



Just to illustrate my point

I re-worked an image that I did to illustrate a book cover years ago. It fit The Daily Napkin today, so I thought that I would re-create it for that and here.

I am noticing that it has been a month since I posted an image. This is not a good trend. I intend to remedy it.

Like Kilroy – and Accidental Drawing

Like Kilroy – and Accidental Drawing

He appeared on my desk…an accidental drawing

I see faces everywhere. Always have. And when I start to draw, faces appear. It’s just the way it is.

I accidently spilled some permanent ink on my desk the other day, while I was playing with a pen/brush thingy that was really cool, instead of working on what I was “supposed” to be working on. I tried to wipe it up with some paper that I had at hand on it’s way to the recycle bin. It didn’t work real well, because before I could really clean it up, there was this fellas eye staring back at me.

Of course, I immediately dripped some more ink on my desk, and semi-wiped it up. There he was – my accidental drawing! With a tiny tweak or two I had a new visage for my desk. I don’t know if he really can be cleaned off my desk. One day, I’ll get tired of him staring peekedly at me, and I’ll attempt it. In the meantime, I dressed him up with some layers here, and wrote him a poem. I thought I’d give him a moment in the limelight before destroying anything.