Medicine Wheel

Medicine Wheel

Standing in the Circle

I originally drew this as a sketched idea for a chalk painting (illuminari) which I did up in Auburn in a fundraiser for the symphony.  I liked the sketch better than the chalk painting (shown here).

There is a vibrant beauty to chalk painting that I love, and there are some aspects of it that are tough to get. For example, once you have enough chalk, you cannot add more, without erasing  (which I really refuse to do) as top layers will just blow away in the breezes, or rinse away in the rain. Actually, it is that temporary nature, and the challenge of the immediacy of the media that really attracts me. This piece was 8 or 10 foot square, and was done in a little more than one day.  It’s real tough to get a good photo of a large illuminari.

On the other hand, I am most comfortable with a pencil in my hand. And lately, as I’ve been playing with drawings and layers and textures, there appears even more power to the pencil.



On the Cusp of Understanding

Today there is more sense in nonsense. I’ve discovered that I am steeped in the moment’s texture of silliness and impromptu optimism.



All Dressed Up and…

I drew this originally when I was working as a secret movie goer person. I had seen The Bridges of Madison County about a dozen times at that point, so I was drawing in the dark of the back row, as I counted people comings and goings in and out of the theater.  It stood on it’s own as a drawing, however, I just felt like spiffing it up digitally tonight. What fun!

In the Garden

In the Garden

She Blooms

Pencil drawing, photographs, digital painting and poetry …



She Wore Her Transparency Like a Glittered Chameleon

Today’s image is the result of another digital combining of photograph, painting and drawing.  I’ve decided to look into making some of the images available as prints on canvas. What do you think?

Library of Living

Library of Living

I got a new phone, with a better camera than my camera and the apps are fun.