Lady in Purple
Only her eyes stood out…
Once again it is late. I am grateful that I kept my promise to myself today.

Once again it is late. I am grateful that I kept my promise to myself today.
When I first started painting, (the first time – when in early teens) I used oils that were given to me by this lady that had left over paints after doing paint-by-number things. I didn’t use oils very long because I could not handle the fumes. This acrylic painting was one of the first I did as an adult (in my twenties). I painted several paintings with photographs as my models, just to see what I could do. It took many years for me to revisit landscapes, and then it was with “live models.” I ran across this old photograph of an old painting done from a photograph in a book, and felt I just had to share it. I’m not sure why.
Just finished meeting with some of my favorite women friends. Not much to say here, except that I am feeling peaceful within.
The faces, the faces. They always show up. Related or not, younger or older, they pop their faces into my mind when I pick up a pencil, or a pen, or a brush, or a stylus. A cast of characters ready to populate any dramatic story in my head.
I’ve been offline for almost a week as we experienced a huge glitch while we were switching providers. In the meantime, I recharged. I went up to Fairplay Farm to work on the heart-shaped labyrinth with medicine wheel which we began up there last year. The wild flowers were beautiful and the labyrinth is well on it’s way to being a natural outpouring of the land there. I had a wonderfully full heart-relaxing day with Jeralynn. I also took many photos of the labyrinth, wildflowers, butterflies, the Consumnes River and this beautiful rose.
Just playing. Too sleepy to be too serious.