Bear Brother
In the S. Munro collection
In the S. Munro collection
Day two of Peaces of Prosperity. Today’s presenter – Catherine Caine – says she wants a business that blesses everyone it touches. Me too, me too!
A couple years ago I went back to school at the local City college, and took a class about choosing my career. Now, I’ve been about the business of art all of my life, yet one of those voices that haunts me with the admonition that I need to get a “real job,” occasionally has it’s way with my psyche. In this class, we went through all kinds of testing: skills, psychological, personality types, etc. Just as every other time I’ve done this kind of testing, they came back with the same result – that I need do art or illustration or graphic design. No surprises there.
What did surprise me, however, was the instructors “read” on my outcome on one of the main personality tests. She said, Dena, you have to completely believe in what you are doing. Your work has to fit your morals and uphold your values, or you cannot do it. This is really strong in you. She was exactly right on. The thing is, I didn’t share that with anyone. I had always tried to deny it even to myself, until she pulled my covers.
My basic morals and values have everything to do with being of service and making everything/everyone I touch better, to being a blessing. I want my business to bless everyone it touches, too. So, how do I act as an agent of prosperity? By acting, serving, being a blessing. It sounds like a big order, and pretty lofty, yet I know that the more I am true to who I am, and do what makes my heart sing gratitude, it is a blessing to myself, and others. It’s the best I can do.
I’ve been working on prosperity for quite some while. There’s the old conundrum of needing money and time to do my art, and needing to do my art to experience money and time. Melissa Dinwiddie sent out a notice of this program that she is part of called “Peace of Prosperity”. I checked it out today, and it just struck my tickle-bone. I loved the first mini workshop by Jamie Ridler and spontaneously planned to participate by adding my comments here on my blog. Who knows? Perhaps it will get me back in the habit of making entries here more often (a personal goal of mine).
In Jamie’s workshop, I visualized money. I was really surprised to see this image of a money-green statue of liberty. She was quite playful and dynamic. This was different from anytime I’ve done anything similiar in the past.
1. What is your request of money?
I asked money to play with me, to joyously dance and bless me. It was interesting. At first, Money did not notice me, did not even hear me when I addressed her directly. I had to shake her on the shoulder to get her attention in order to ask her the second question. I’m realizing as I type this that I did not insist on Money listening to my request of Money. I do believe I will re-connect and repeat my request.
2. What is money’s request of you?
Once I got Money’s attention, and asked for her request of me, she was quite clear. She said, “You have to appear brighter. What I mean is, you need to be ALL of you, fully authentic, and expressive of your true nature, if you want me to notice you. I’m not interested if you are going to hide in a mousy way. “
That statement got my attention. Within the hour, I was nudged by Spirit through a couple friendly encounters, to make some changes in the way I have been beginning my days. I needed to have a conversation with my husband/partner and state my intentions to take back my mornings. I do so enjoy our meditation time together, and we are going to return to it. I intend to fulfill Money’s request of me, and look forward to Money fulfilling mine of her.
I love this song. It wakes up my inner voices, and helps me remember the truth about my life. It reminds me who really makes all of my decisions – ownership of my actions is a good thing.
What’s half Poobah and half unicorn? It’s Cornpoon. The Poobahs over at Playing Around Workshops were commenting back and forth about the poohbah hats of Betty and Wilma Flinstone, and how they wanted hats like that. I have a full set of horns, so I applied and was granted the honor of becoming an honorary Poobah. They discovered they only had one set of horns between them, and decided that they might be Poonicorns after all. I suggested it was a Cornpoon instead. I found this old image from late yesterday to illustrate what (or who) exactly that is.
When I take silliness too far I slip into the dark side of joy, which, sort of like the dark side of the moon, is still joy nonetheless. Even after the sun goes down, I love dressing up, putting on a funny hat and howling at the moon.
I’m signed up to attend the Playing Around Workshops with Melissa and Kelly because I take Creative playtime seriously. The Muse demands it. It’s like vitamins for my creativity. I get quite dull minded when I don’t partake. So, I intend to seriously enjoy.