Spirit Expresses

Spirit Expresses


The candy cane begonia gifted us with it’s beautiful blossoms, even though we already had a lovely bouquet. Such abundance! Such is life – so very full of beauty.



Unruffled Beyond Her Feathers

Today’s image is a simple drawing done in colored pencil. I do enjoy just simply drawing. The characters and faces that show up for me to capture  with pencil, pen or paint are always familiar somehow and yet each unique. There have been a couple that show up more than once, but not many.

Burrowing Owl

Burrowing Owl



This little owl was one of many (I don’t know – maybe 20?) who  live  in the medians between parking space rows in a huge parking lot  in this city. As the sun lowered in the West, they all came out of their burrows and lined up facing the sunset in silent observance of the closing of the day.  I felt honored to be able to observe them in their sacred solemnity.

Moon Tree

Moon Tree

Stand Tall


The City of Trees is full of trees mangled by two-leggeds. No matter how many branches or tops are chopped off, the trees remain stolid in their stance and their dedication to reaching skyward.