Abstract with Bubbles

Abstract with Bubbles


Sometimes things just don’t work out anywhere near planned. Oh, well. I liked the little drawing – doodle drawing actually. So, I thought that I would try doing something with it. I did something with it alright. I am just not sure what. C’est la vie.

Rabbit Foot Fern

Rabbit Foot Fern

Lucky Fern

As luck would have it, there has always been a rabbit’s foot fern around somewhere in my life. Nowadays, it lives out in my yard, hanging from a hook on the fence.  There is a clean beauty to an ink drawing which I have always been attracted to. I enjoy the challenge of drawing them because I restrict myself from any prior pencil marks, and I have to work with what I put down initially. I enjoy having to commit like that. It’s very honest, somehow. The layers of images added in Photoshop add a richness. I’ve said that before, and I’ll probably say it again.

Grandmother Morningstar

Grandmother Morningstar

Elder Wisdom

The beauty that glows from within the individual who has lived a long life walking with honor on their path only outshown by the resultant wisdom that individual carries gently in the heart.

Pragmatic Man

Pragmatic Man

Black and White Thinker

This is a combo of two watercolors and a pen and ink drawing. The words became obvious as soon as the image neared completion. As usual, I have never really met this fellow, except that I discovered him through the tip of my pen.

Hot Seat

Hot Seat

Sally Sits


Sally likes to sit in her favorite chair to think through any problems or even self doubts. She’s always relied on the comforting plaid to add a certain organization to her thoughts and contemplations.  She calls it her “Hot Seat of Noble Intelligence. “

Other times, she just sits there and vegetates at the end of a long day.