Today has been just one of those days that I love. Most of the day was really pretty uneventful, however the whole day was extraordinary. Like many days I spent an inordinate amount of time alone, on the computer and designing. So what was different? The energy, the energy in me, the thrill in my gut.

I stayed up until almost 2am last night working on a project. I was exhausted. This morning I woke up before 6am, and just jumped out of bed. I’ve stood and danced most of the day at my computer. I accomplished a lot. The ideas were flowing. I started a new blog, created a few jobs for clients, began a book, listened to lots of my favorite music and continue to have the urge to just create more and more.

I don’t know where this burst of creative energy came from except that it has something to do with being in the flow of walking my walk. I think I’ll come back later to this. I feel like painting!