Recalcitrant angles
thickets of opinion
Well up in various spots
appearing stuck
When in actuality
in their voracity for truth
or, at the very least,
their honest view of it
The whole knotted
steel wool pad of it
scrubs the way clear
for free flow thinking
Hold On!
with all your love!
As you surrender
all that does not serve you
Help is not only on it’s way
It’s here now always!
Don’t should on me
Don’t should on me
I used to should on myself
all the time, you see
Life can get mighty stinky
Don’t you agree?
If I fall for the habit
of should’n on me
Coulda, shoulda, woulda
have left my working vocabulary…
Songbird whistles
through his day
With a light step
and a joyous heart
The lift under his wings
Provided by the lavish abundance
of love and light in his life
Whistle On!
In this dream
I fell asleep
And dreamed
that I was so tired
In mid-conversation
I fell asleep
and dreamed
Multi-layered tiered
dream of a dream of a dream
And, all the while
“Are you muddled in the mind?”
she asked with huff and puff
As we sat there together
muddy from head to foot
Muddling, wiggling toes
and thoroughly enjoying
playing in the mud
“Nah,” we said
for it was clear as day
a Now moment