turned 90 degrees – life expanded
with just that little effort
horizons changed
and everything became new
sit on the floor and observe life above you
or view life below from the top rung of the ladder
new perspectives bear fruits
opportunities, opinions, ideas
most important of all
push the Spirit button
allow your beingness to be
flooded by That perspective
That one branch there
Is supernaturally lit
By the dawning sun
Glowing as if from within
A softened warm light
All highlights brilliant
How is it the one was selected
by design or happenstance
And is there a difference
Between the two?
Who cares?
It’s beautiful to behold
“Great, galloping geckos!”
They proclaimed with hair flying about
And cheeks challenged
By changing alliterations
“Our ornery owls are only
occasionally ostracized.”
The flim-flam man
Just crammed the napkin
All in fun, man, all in fun…
The harvesting was complete
For the day
So they put their supplies
And implements away
In a flurry of “see ya’ laters”
As he stepped into the quiet
Of his peaceful mind
The magnificent sunset
Caught his breath
In it’s splendor
And as the balance tipped
Toward the days of shadow
Life falling like leaves
To drift into piles
Or scurry away
According to the whims
Of the wind
Then dreams brightened
Quickened in the bed of silence
Nurtured by the heart’s
Ever hopeful nature
Inner sunshine on a bleak day…
Sun and moon
equal in the sky
Day and night
equal in the hours
• • • •
As the dancers turn
Through the seasons of their lives
The music seeps into my soul
and I am filled with delight
At this ever-changing
gift of Life
Happy Mabon and Joyous Autumn Equinox to all…!
As you fill your cup
with the stuff of Life today
Know that you are loved beyond measure
and the beauty of your container
Is only magnified through
the overflow of Spirit’s essence
“One step at a time…”
we’ve all heard the line
We know it’s true
it sits in our bones
Still, doesn’t it seem
that sometimes
We could just teleport
to our heart’s desire?
That big guy, all nimbly on his toes
pirouetted and sang wowza songs
You and I in harmony
soft shoe along, a part of a throng
A chorus of silliness
light heartedness, all nimbly too
• • • •
May we ever dance
All nimbly
Joined at the heart
Of joyousness
Sometimes I notice
the curl of your neck
or some other tender spot
And I’m reminded
In just that moment
of human vulnerabilities
And the warming of the heart
It’s then the butterflies arise again
And I am prompted to say something