Effulgent Orb
That effulgent orb
glowing and lovely
behind a curtain of mist
blesses the evening
The warmth of frosty moon
Gentle keeper of the night
softened merely by your fullness
Strengthened resolve
a face in the crisp night…
That effulgent orb
glowing and lovely
behind a curtain of mist
blesses the evening
The warmth of frosty moon
Gentle keeper of the night
softened merely by your fullness
Strengthened resolve
a face in the crisp night…
Once and awhile
they simply liked to “veg out”
Hunkering down
to a good cup
of warm tea
and a good book
It is food like that
that soars the soul
to new adventures
The miracle of the hour
was tip-toeing around
in the recesses of his mind
Tickling his fancy thoughts
with epiphanies
full of possibilities
Yeah! What fun!
born of the darkness
surrounding the concept
settled in the heart
wells up in even odd moments
imbues the moment
always and ever
instilled in our genes
abundant and generous
sent to you
Growing up I lived in many different places, city and country. We had modern tract homes, lived in Victorians, run-of-the-mill city homes, apartments and out-of-the-way hovels with treehouses. We lived in a tent one summer, and a lean-to another. Our family built a log house from scratch, and we lived many years there without water or electricity.
We moved at least once a year every year of my children, many years we changed residences several times. This had a lot of effect on various aspects of my life, and it really impacted my creative urges. I take great joy from the re-modeling, renovation or creation of a dwelling. I love to make a place my own.
Many times in my life I have dreamed of creating a home from out of the earth, a more roundy, eccentric amorphous earthy green-energy based structure. I’ve seen it in my dreams, visited it in visions, and held that I would actually live there someday. It has much the feel and look of the house built by Simon Dale for his family in Wales. I just look at those photos or photos of the Hobbit homes and I am nostalgic for my dreams.
Several years ago, my good friend Jeralynn bought a place with a bunch of acres on the Consumnes River. She shares many of the same dreams as I when it comes to building practices and being gentle on the earth. I get the great joy of staying in the guest cabin with a cob stove for New Years. Our band, Souls Journey, is going to play and lead a Kiirtan/sing-a-long for whoever shows up to celebrate. Building joy in community.
When pondering peccaries
or the curly taste of prickly pears
the mind’s eye view may broaden
New vistas of delightful things
open up the scope of understanding
or, at least, a bit of insight
Cut to the truth
like a javelina’s tooth
Let the spiky spines
of honest instrospection
be chewed up
along with the rest
Bold feelings energized
by luscious experiences
Each day of life packed full
of whole-hearted living
We relish the little things
and expand for the huge
Going with the knowing
whispered in silence
and shouted on the wind
Hey there, fellow traveler
thank you for the companionship!