
The path meandered
around this fountain
up over the footbridge
down by the huge oak
in the valley
He was always taking shortcuts
getting caught in the brambles
slipping on the rocky slope
One day, he just stuck to the path
Ah, what a peaceful experience…

Being True

He wore his mask
with pride and courage
Hiding behind
his true face
And dancing
with the Wild Spirits
Ah, the joy and freedom

of being true!

Invented Shadows

Even in this world
of illusion
Where we invented shadow
for density’s sake
Sunlight dances
through the leaves
And warms my

tear-moistened cheek

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love
Unconditional love
Comes from up above
and it fits like a glove
We are surrounded
swimming in a sea
of unconditional love
We’ve only made up
this illusionary game
of separateness

so we can rediscover

the unconditional love

Once again

One Bite at a Time

Little spider
loves to gnaw
on his food
on his problems
on big soft pink mountains
like me
He gives a whole new meaning
to solving problems
one bite at a time

Lotus Petals

Little abalone lotus
teaches me about life
“Aah – Baloney!” it says
when faced with illusion
Still, the lotus is lovely
the many petals reflecting
all the colors of creation

Hopeful Kites

Pitching our dreams
to the winds o’er the cliffs
Above the valley
of the unknown
They fluttered and flapped
as they fell into the updraft
Our hopeful strings attached
they rose like colorful kites
on the warm breezes
of our breath
Glistening, sparkling in the sunlight
glowing like helium balloons
in the night

Peace with Surrender

I lift my eyes
to the pale blue skies
And with a big sigh
I let go of it all
Ahhh – such peace
comes with surrender

Miracle of Life

Everyone of us
starts off in life
with at least two miracles
under our belt

Two and counting

Every day after that
that we continue to breathe
is another miracle

May today and everyday
here on out be miraculous
beyond your sweetest dreams

Celebrate the miracle of you…

The Bumpy Road

Traveling on the bumpy road
of Happy Destiny
I came upon
a sleeping rhinoceros
harboring a sweet dream smile
in a most un-rhinoceros way
I’ve heard of letting sleeping dogs lie
and I’ve seen an elephant in the room
Still, what’s the proper procedure
when rhino’s dream?