
Others may spot
a vein of your gold
AND it is up to you
to work your own mine
• • • 
Meanwhile, your Spirit shines
when you least expect
Innocence peeking
from twinkly eyes…
Warhol Wasn’t Here

Warhol Wasn’t Here

Rules Are Meant to Ignore

I got this email today from about how to get a Warhol-esque image in Photoshop. It intrigued me, so I thought that I would try it. The problem with that is that I frequently ignore rules, or instructions, or whatever. Such was the case with this. I totally did not read the instructions at all, until after I was done. Then I said, outloud, ” Ooops, I didn’t do that.” I, in fact did not do anything that had been suggested. Oh well, I had fun doing these bright, non-Warhol, non-portraits. I guess that’s all that matters. Right?

Winter’s Passing

Tulip tree popping
in the early morning
sidelong light
Looking all bright and Springy
in the stillness of chilly air
• • • 
How is it Winter’s passing
in deluge or fits and starts
is sung so sweetly at bitter end
By light and happy birds
winging crazily in praise
dancing to their own bird song?
• • • 
How is it my Spirit soars
as if I were one of them?
Time for Tea

Time for Tea

Peace Time


This image started out as a photo of a watercolor I did several years ago (For sale on Etsy), which I built upon in Photoshop, and then added texture layers and other treatments. One of the things about the image a day project is that I get to play more in Photoshop, and I am really enjoying that. Another thing is that I am creating many textures and brushes from scratch (this one was not one of those, however).  There is so very much to be done with those.  Finally, of course, I love my tea! And even more, I love peace. In.  My. Heart. In. My. World. TEA. PEACE.


The most noxious weed
provides the best antidote
for those who suffer allergy

The most obnoxious person
provides the best antidote
For those of that strive
always for perfection

God bless them both

The Moon of Peace

The Moon of Peace

Bamboo Shadows 

I have often thought that we hold the reality of peace in our hearts. I read once that there were those in the tribe that were considered the Peace keeper, their sole job being to hold peace in thier heart for the rest of the tribe, no matter what the circumstance.  I am a peace keeper. It is my job to hold peace in my heart for all, no matter what the circumstance. I think each of us can help with that job.  All directions meet at the cross roads of peace.

Black Bird Guidance

Walking down a new street

a bit timid, still moving feet

When big blackbirds, crows I think

came diving at my head, crawking and squawking

putting up a stink

Fear came and roosted

in my screaming countenance

waving arms and hands around my head

doing the scaredy-cat dance

Until I turned around

and chose a different street instead

Memories of Bear

Memories of Bear

Crazy Two-Legged

I first danced with the bear when I was 12 or so. Calling in the wind, before we danced,  it swirled around us. All was connnected, all is connected. How is it that we have gone so far astray?

Winters Clouds

Winters Clouds

Springs Awakening

I have been steeped in the process these days of re-awakening to my highest potential self. This bumpy winters end has been a clear reminder of my roots and where I can find the fodder of my sustenance.  I created this image last night.

Blooming Factor

The flower bloomed

without thinking about it

In its nature

lies the blooming factor

Barely waiting

to burst forth and rejoice

like a songbird at dawn