
the delicate cherry blossoms
drifted down
to the lotus pond
each one softly
it’s mantra of “Peace”
on breezes
ever so faint
Hearts call out
in sacred silence
through the beaked lips
of joyous birds

Daily Napkin for Thursday, February 4, 2010

In the crisp chill
we howled at the full moon
empathizing with brother wolf
clinging with toes
to pebbles and sand
and prickly forest elements
Closing eyes in the effort
immersed in the thrill
and quickening spirit
Until with cloud,
one-pointedness and voice
drifted away in lingering howl
In a shiver moment was gone
off toward the warmth of slumber

Daily Napkin for Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Settle in my bones
you might say
without compunction
or judgement
or some silly self-description
Naked inside
and comfortable with it
able to leap small challenges
in a single thought
and discover that roadblocks
are an invitation
for a spontaneous picnic

Daily Napkin for Monday, February 1, 2010

In the belly
growing and readying
to sprout
and now the quickening
begins anew
Imbolc's promise
Brigid's dreaming
Life awakening
unto itself
kicking and rejoicing
being alive

Winds of Change

Little catepillar
leaned hard against
the winds of change
bending even his freckle-hairs
in the effort
the wind changed
and blew him over

For My EnJOYment

Sometimes I’m my own slapstick comedy. It may start out a normal day. I’ll give thanks before rising for this wonderful gift of life, and this brand new day. Then I jump out of bed ready to get moving, but somewhere right in here, there is a subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) turn in the path.

I used to love to watch the Three Stooges. Now, don’t get me wrong, I never enjoyed the violence part, but the silly antics, and the “Wooo, wooo, wooo, woooo’s”, and the funny situations they got themselves into – those cracked me up. So did Spanky and My Gang, Laurel and Hardy, Red Skelton and Carol Burnett and skits on Saturday Night Live. Although, I stopped watching television years ago, I’ve always enjoyed a good laugh, so I am grateful for a gift from spirit which continues to deliver the humor.

Somehow, when my life gets serious I am gifted with my own real-life ongoing slapstick comedy: me. I crack me up. Life cracks me up. At any given time, all I have to do is step one step back and observe, and it’s very entertaining. It’s like a built-in relief valve.

Carrying too many things, juggling to get the key into the door, and aware of an urgency to get into the facilities is the perfect recipe for some wild antics. Sitting on the little student desk while trying to be impressive with my coolness, and instead landing hind end stuck in the trash can makes me laugh. It is a gift and I am grateful for it.

Daily Napkin for Thursday, January 28, 2010

In a flurry
of self contemplation
the truth tickled my fancy
and again
before settling into the bones
in quiet acquiescence
Assimilation of the facts
provided only a side note
tucked amongst the light

Daily Napkin for Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Over in the meadow
where the mists like jewels
were just lifting
to reveal the deepest emerald
She lifts her veil
and there in the new sunlight
the pond awakens, sparkles
in a silence like a velvet robe
The rich, verdant vision
courses through my veins
and dewey chill shivers my spine
Ah, to be alive!