Emerging from the cave
and the darkness rich
where visions are spawned
Momma bear gave a grunt
from deep inside
her growling tummy…
“What did I lose? Where did it go?”,
she asked the ethers
in a bearish way, sniffing
the air, the dead plant,
the frozen ground…
then lumbered back to dream
awhile longer
On the rock,
where no birds sang
and soft breezes
dared not blow
with tears of joy and blessing,
bones warmed by the sun
feet dangled over the precipice
There (and only there)
life peeked out verdant
with sticker bushes
and hope blooming
for seeking glances
Bathing in the light,
soaking in the brilliance,
the rich depths of me
are flooded with awareness
layers upon layers
years of experience
immersed in joyous remembrance
warmed by light’s caress
Consciousness luxurious
subtle and deep
The sky’s no limit
to what we can experience
Out beyond
ideas of correct
and lies
there is a planet
Let’s dance there
like wild children
The candle burns
it’s little light bright
in the velvety darkness
The moth is attracted
it’s conflagration
a phsst!
in the symphony of the night
We are each the candle
We are one with the moth
What silly winged thing
is waiting in us
to burn away
in our own brightness?
Fair Play: a ride on the carousel.
Rocket Science: something that requires study.
Love: everything.
It’s not rocket science – I love playing with you
on the carousel of life.
Once upon a time,
at least a few minutes ago,
there was a little boy
eyes filled with wonder
heart heavy as stone
incongruent, yet integrous
alive but not awake
awake but not aware
awake of aches long past
encouraged through love
and acceptance
to release his heavy load
Shout it out with great enthusiasm
tap your foot with the rythmn of your song
awaken your heart with Spirits prompting
seek your soul in every place
and so with verve
crow cawed his greeting
and with awesome power
he emoted his being
and on and on
the others cawed back
in raucous pleasure
A caucus of birds
dressed deceivingly in black
When it's gray
and all colors
are shades of gray
and stillness sits
in grayness
like a blanket
wet and soggy
Then, I let the sun
in me
shine brighter…
Full spectrum light
Have you ever noticed?
There's more than enough
of everything…
Plenty of sand
no skimping on beauty
Love everywhere
and light everyday
Evidence of a prosperous
universe filled with
more than enough…