coyote moon
The girls were laughing
outside my door
late last night
a wild party
whooping and yelping
on the prowl for prey
in the yowl moment
answering owl’s question
Coyote moon
the smile askance
The girls were laughing
outside my door
late last night
a wild party
whooping and yelping
on the prowl for prey
in the yowl moment
answering owl’s question
Coyote moon
the smile askance
The body loves to sing full voice
as the lion, the song bird
the frog upon his lily pad…
——– ————- ———– ————-
Every fibre
the truth
the joy
no matter
what the words
All is permeated
sound embodied
From the new vantage point
on the rise
as we approached the rest of the day
in chatty conversation
and non-vehement arguments
there appeared the double rich rainbow
so clear and colorful
our mouths were stilled in awe
How is it my heart remains
beating steady in my chest,
as the tears flood my cheeks?
Simple beauty…
Out past the wild field
where the mustard blooms
and the crows fly
in the back forty
of the huge empty parking lot
There are the owls
quietly standing in ones and twos
watching the sunset
with silent reverence
guarding their burrows
in islands of dirt
Full of quiet dignity
as they’ve accepted their lot…
You were there
on the stoop by the laundry line
grinning with accomplishment
resting for a moment
on the bubble of completion
just before stepping out
in new directions…
For me, there will always be
that moment
even though trillions of moments
have been each relished
in their own right
Pink explosions everywhere
and spackles of greenish white
squirrels waking up
to skitter and play
swollen river receding
brown, skirted by brilliant green
everyone happy
to be alive
Ah, Spring!
life went on
ebbing and flowing
interspersed with encounters
of the human kind and not so
as if that singular moment
was but a tiny dot
and not the supernova
I had perceived…
In gratitude,
we will
know deep peace…
At the well
of understanding
near the wall
of prejudice
There sat an ancient woman
her cupped hand outstretched
“Lay your tokens here, ” she said,
“of fear and anger and pride.
You may drink deeply then,
once you’ve laid them aside.”
A dalliance a day
just gazing at the sun
early morning ritual
standing on the earth
breezes kissing cheeks
grateful for the gift of life
grateful for this day
grateful for the warmth of sun
and his loving light
grateful for my mother earth
and the strength she does imbue
grateful for the winds of change
and the fire of Spirit
a dalliance with Beloved One
The smell of new mown grass
like watermelon fresh
awakens memories
the sun warming bones
ants tickling on their trek
carrying bits of things
yet no implements
the energy of earth
palpable and nurturing
the music of bugs and birds
the salty taste of hot days