Little Bird
Every little bird
loves to sing their song
Just lean back and beller
with all the heart!
There is such simple pleasure
in being fully engaged…
Every little bird
loves to sing their song
Just lean back and beller
with all the heart!
There is such simple pleasure
in being fully engaged…
My mind is always floating
near the banks of serenity
Keep me, keep me in peace
as I walk through life’s dramas…
Hawk sat there in the small tree
squawking at me, low and near
Calling to my senses awakening
“This way, come this way,”he said
with his actions and his stance
Leaving perch with flutter and squawk
he led me to my inner knowing
As he headed east in guiding bursts
blazed the path to heart’s destination
in the wilderness, the middle of nowhere
Through desolation and unknown feelings
to a place where light and belonging merged
She had a smell history
with built in buttons
for convenience and automation
Fresh bread baking
speaks to her of comfort and family
Fresh cut grass awakens
watermelon juice dripping
down the chin on hot summer day
Other’s trigger memories
or attitudes or untouched feelings
She is not controlled by her history
and she is enriched by it
We join together hearts rejoicing
circled up to share some songs
Devotional praises abounding
heartfelt rhythms move us along
A group of friends called Souls Journey
We play music and sing of Light
God, Goddess, Spirit, Great Mystery
kiirtan dance and chant delight
On the road of Life we travel
each one follows deep heart yearning
Let us gather now, sing out loving praises
for we are all on our Souls Journey
It used to be we’d gather ’round
the Well of Life, as one
A community, come together
to fill up and be nourished
As much by each other’s company
as our thirst was slaked by water
Now, we thirst and hunger more
as if blinded by self-determination
we each attempt to dig our own
It gives a new meaning
to “holy ground”
All these dry wells
and still we hunger for community
for family…
mouth gaping in awe
We gazed at the beauty
with hearts aching…
from expansion
There on the lip
of complete comprehension
There where tears burst forth
in appreciation
Love and gratitude held us tight
in a grip ecstatic
as our spirits danced on Light
Turtle mused on flowers fancy
“Oh, what a sumptous lunch,” thought he
Then sniffed the air, the perfumed aroma
considered sweet delicacies for free
One step he took in anxious excitement
and another, he took in hyper speed
Perambulating in hurried fashion
to the buffet garden with turtle glee
Now, you and I might smell the flowers
and enjoy the beauty that we see
Turtle, however, munched them with fervor
and partook of their beauty delightedly
On the beach under the palm
cradled by the warm sand
We listened to constant washing
of the magnificent shore
On the beech under my palm
cuddled by the warm bark
Bug listened to constant washing
of the hose outside the palm
Vacations both,
a different experience…
There is a never-ending
supply of inspiration
Breathe it in
inhale the sweet perfume of Life
absorb it into every pore, every cell
In the moment of silence
listen to the whispers in the heart
Then exhale into “creativity”
release the flow of sacred breathe
There, in that quiet before inspiration
an infinite opportunity
the grace of gratitude…