Tricky Coyote

Coyote gets a bad rap…
He’s just excited about everything
The only one he really tricks
is himself
Then when he falls
he gets up again
dusts himself off
and takes off again
Like Don Quixote
or dandelions or cockroaches…

Ephemeral Presents

Cellophane passages
written in bright
Fill up the daytime
carve through the night
It isn’t for me to know
nor ever to be
It wasn’t forever
nor ours to keep
Ephemeral presents
continually new
Patchwork consciousness
woven intently for you

Art IS my real job!

I can’t tell you how many times in my life, I’ve been told either by hint or directly that it was nice that I enjoyed doing art, and wasn’t it about time I get a real job?

I’m here to declare today, “Art IS my real job!” At the center of me is this creative spirit that can’t help but practice art every moment I am alive. Many, many years ago I performed my own ceremony. I dedicated myself, my life, my efforts, all of me, to serving God, Goddess, Spirit, Great Mystery (I use all of those words and more interchangeably because I know my little human brain is incapable of having a complete concept of True Source). When I turn to this source to give me guidance, to use me as an instrument, my little self steps out of the way of God doing His work – His Art. That is my real and only job.

So many times, on the road to coming to this epiphany, this realization of some kind of truth, I have spent many an hour denigrating my creative urge, being judgemental of my natural state of joy, discounting my innate calling to spread beauty.  What was I thinking? Too much, I suspect. Paying far too much attention to the loud voices without, rather than the small still voice within. Now that I have started to flip that around more often than not, I have truly come to realize that this is one of the most important understandings of this journey: art IS my real joy, uh, job!

Little White Birds

Even little white birds
catch the rhythm of life
in their bones
Every part of creation
dances Spirit through
A unique part
of all creation
Yahoo!  Let’s Samba!!!

Best Friend

On any given day
when my belief may have waned
Or at the times I was filled
with puffed up self
You’ve been there beside me
loving me
You’re the best kind of friend
any one could ever hope for
In my quiet time
and when I’m dancing with delight
I know gratitude
for you in my life
Thank you…

A Question of Movement

Sailing across the blue
riding on mountains
all white and grey
Look there, below
see the tiny landscape
Look up, above
see the tiny starscape
Look within
feel the gyroscope spinning
Am I moving through Space
or is it moving through me?

The Self-Perpetuating Satisfaction

the pinnacle
of his success
he stopped for a moment
to reflect upon his gratitude
and knew the joy that fueled
his days of activity
And in that very moment
he heaved a big sigh of deep satisfaction
and inner peace
     “Ah! Life is good!” he proclaimed…
Lone Tree

Lone Tree

Lone tree stands

the hope of a forest

the promise of a pinecone

Anger’s Mirror

Looking deeply in the eyes of anger
I see myself mirrored there
with empathy
I’ve walked there
with fearful posture
I’ve treaded there
Here, I am there
And I am immersed
in Love


Every step taken
on the path of life
new transformation

may your path
lead to a joyous journey
of love, peace, family,
friends, prosperity, serenity
and lovely epiphanies