Expectant Dawn

Right before dawn
there is an expectancy
Sung cheerfully
through every beak
Felt hopefully
in every leaf
just after that darkest part
New day dawning
new beginning begun

Bearing Fruit

After a lifetime full
of bearing fruit
limbs heavy with their bounty
The gnarled old tree stood majestically
all a-bloom
festooned for spring
As if only a youngster
pumped and prepared
for a dance
or other jubilant merriment
Full of joyousness and anticipation
of the fruit of another season

Waiting in Line

A wellspring of ideas
and insights
He played word games, wrote songs
and practiced tiddly winks
While he waited
patiently in line…
Dappled Shadows

Dappled Shadows

Quaking leaves

dancing, sparkling
dappling the shadows
Loving the sun
with all their beingness
Played a symphony
on the wind…

Reminiscent Joy

When I was in the 3rd grade we moved to Canyon, a small place with only 30 houses and a 2 room school house in the Redwoods. I have always felt this was home, home of my childhood. Recently, CBS did a “Road to Nowhere” episode about Canyon. It warms my heart with great joy to see this, and see those places I was so nurtured as a child.

And so we walked down tiny paths to school, and did plays, and a luau, and I learned to hula and wrote letters to the president, and learned so very much. My community was my extended family, and I felt loved and wild and joyous. It was a wonderful place to grow up.

Grand Life (Full Reign)

Grand Life (Full Reign)

Like a big happy face cartoon sun

every ounce of myself
was beaming joyousness at the world
My toes were dancing independently
and my cheeks were pinking
As my hands engaged
in the depths of creative fury
Life is grand when in sync
Everything is right
when I allow guidance
full joyous reign (and rein)
Valentine Joy

Valentine Joy

When I think of all of the people that touch my heart every day in my community and my extended community, I am filled with joy. I thought that I would make a little valentine for every one of you.


Who says there’s only one?

Just a single day…
to express love for another?
Each and everyday I wake
with the added thrill
of you aligned with me
Love is unending and permeates all
and it is ever my pleasure
to express it in myriad ways
——     ——-    ———————
And – Happy Valentine’s Day, too…


A hike up the mountain
in the stillness of my mind
Where pale green buds
burst open into pink
at the perfect time
A hike with minimal effort
or scrabbling through rocky slopes
And with brilliant sunshine
and soothing blue above
Soon I reach the summit
scanning horizons of my life
Gaze with peace at the beauty
joining eagle in his flight


The rooster crows
the hen lays an egg
Each day we grow
closer apart
Individuals we
each part of One
From smallest
to All-est consciousness