Art’s Inspiration and Other Fancy Thoughts

Whole Lot of Love

What's the difference?Between one day and 10 years?between just met and happily married – A whole lot of Lovethrough ups and downsstresses and playtimesdifficulties and easy street – A whole lot of Love Here's to 10 to 20!(We started dating ten years...

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Peace Eternal

Through the twittering greenthe sky flickers turquoise Lying back, feet riseand the whispering silencesneaks up suddenlycradled by the close support Floating, floatingin a peace eternal Into an eddywhere the frogs emergeonto wild shore

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Vision of Wild

Twisting and straddling endless rutson tiny forgotten dirt roadsfor miles and miles and milesIt was easy to believethat civilization wouldnever be found againThen upon a distinguished turninginto a narrow valley greenwith sky so close it could be touchedand a meadow...

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From whence the oak?the bitter acornAh, yes, that is soFrom what bitter seeddid your greatness arise?There is so muchto be grateful for...

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Moment’s End

There is a timeright thereAt the end of the momentwhich is full of questionOpen to the possibilities of next,no matter what flavor the expectancy

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Two words must be relinquishedto know peace"If only..."I accept what isI am joyous now

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Savor the juicy tomato momentsAnd the memory of such savorosityIt tickles the parched palateof more sparse timesWe have been savoring the moments around Marshal's big birthday. Now, we are back into the regular routine. 

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Harlequin Man

Harlequin Man

Watercolor play... I'm going to have a bin full of old watercolors and sketches for ridiculously low giveaway prices at tomorrows show, just for fun (And to clear space for more recent work)!

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Brazen Freedom

Brazen Freedom

Is there any true freedom that is not brazen somehow? So, I'm still painting and preparing for the RAW artists show which is this Wednesday. This is a sneak peak at one new piece completed for that show this week. Those attending the show will be the first to see the...

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Secret Beauty

There must be thirty-three waysor more (way more)to discover the secret beautyin just this moment The underlying factorthat connects to once and futureand everything in between I intend with curly happy lipto find everyone of themAnd, then, start making up...

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Establish a habit - 30 daysRe-establish a habit - 30 days(No wonder most months have 30 days)BeginAgainand againOverand over againwith the tenacity of bulldog Stuck in beginner's mindintending habit

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