In retrospectthe wild momentslined up in memoryas beads on a stringheld space in my lifewith sparkle and shine,allowed those huesof a more subtle natureisolation necessaryto hold their ownto treasure-------------------------------------------------Jolly spacers
Sneeze Light
Like fairy dustspread wide in a windstormepiphanies sparkledin spurts and spotsinspiration markeda seemingly random coursetesting faith with ordered judgements"Ah," she said, "Ah-ha!""Ah choooo!"And off we went again...
Real rainbows raceacross the sky etherealRaucous ravens raisethe sky roof on wingsand peck throughillusion with beaksof gold
BzzzzyBuzzing in the fieldsThey dance from bloomto bloom to bloomMother's helpersproviding connectionproviding assistanceproviding our food
Juicy Moon
EnlivenedEnlightenedAliveJuicy juicy life--------------------The peachy orb roseat dusk, held tenderby intimate breezeskept aloft and risingby simply beingI breathed in the texture of itand the scent of blooming trees
Joy Moment
In the fullness of the day,no props -- just sun and warmthlight and light-heartednesssprawled out on a lawnnew mown, smelling like watermelonheart beat evidentto awakened consciousnessIs there any joy greaterin this moment?
coyote moon
The girls were laughingoutside my doorlate last nighta wild partywhooping and yelpingon the prowl for preyin the yowl momentanswering owl's question-----------------------------------------Coyote moonthe smile askance
Full Voice
The body loves to sing full voiceas the lion, the song birdthe frog upon his lily pad...-------- ------------- ----------- -------------Every fibreresonatesthe truththe joyno matterwhat the wordsAll is permeatedsound embodied
Double Rainbow
From the new vantage pointon the riseas we approached the rest of the dayin chatty conversationand non-vehement argumentsthere appeared the double rich rainbowso clear and colorfulour mouths were stilled in aweHow is it my heart remainsbeating steady in my chest,as...
Burrowing Owls
Out past the wild fieldwhere the mustard bloomsand the crows flyin the back fortyof the huge empty parking lotThere are the owlsquietly standing in ones and twoswatching the sunsetwith silent reverenceguarding their burrowsin islands of dirtFull of quiet dignityas...
Past Moment
You were thereon the stoop by the laundry linegrinning with accomplishmentresting for a momenton the bubble of completionjust before stepping outin new directions...For me, there will always bethat momenteven though trillions of momentshave been each relishedin their...
Springs Happiness
Pink explosions everywhereand spackles of greenish whitesquirrels waking upto skitter and playswollen river recedingbrown, skirted by brilliant greeneveryone happyto be aliveAh, Spring!