How do I act as an agent of prosperity?

Day two of Peaces of Prosperity.  Today’s presenter – Catherine Caine – says she wants a business that blesses everyone it touches. Me too, me too!

A couple years ago I went back to school at the local City college, and took a class about choosing my career.  Now, I’ve been about the business of art all of my life, yet one of those voices that haunts me with the admonition that I need to get a “real job,” occasionally  has it’s way with my psyche. In this class, we went through all kinds of testing: skills, psychological, personality types, etc. Just as every other time I’ve done this kind of testing, they came back with the same result – that I need do art or illustration or graphic design. No surprises there.

What did surprise me, however, was the instructors “read” on my outcome on one of the main personality tests. She said, Dena, you have to completely believe in what you are doing. Your work has to fit your morals and uphold your values, or you cannot do it. This is really strong in you.  She was exactly right on. The thing is, I didn’t share that with anyone. I had always tried to deny it even to myself, until she pulled my covers.

My basic morals and values have everything to do with being of service and making everything/everyone I touch better, to being a blessing. I want my business to bless everyone it touches, too.  So, how do I act as an agent of prosperity? By acting, serving, being a blessing.  It sounds like a big order, and pretty lofty, yet I know that the more I am true to who I am, and do what makes my heart sing gratitude, it is a blessing to myself, and others. It’s the best I can do.