I have been working for awhile now with Melissa Dinwiddie and Cory Huff in the inner circle at artempowers.me, and now I am working further with Melissa in her Creative Ignition Club. A lot of work. Empowering, expansive, creative, simply joyous work. I’ve completely redone my website. I’ve done a lot of emotional clearing, strategizing, conspiring to create, and inner examination. I am now conducting my art business as a business.
An art business focused on serving up my art makes me my companys biggest asset. Suddenly, I owe it to my business to take care of me.
And now I paint. Before, I was working 12-16 hour days, and hardly allowing myself the opportunity to paint or do my own creative work at all. I kept putting off what I really enjoy until some day, when I would have the time. Then, I woke up to the fact that that day would never arrive unless I declared it so. Even more important to my business is that if I don’t paint, we run out of assets.
With that realization in mind, I joined the Creative Ignition Club, where I would join with others on a similar journey and receive encouragement, coaching and tools to change my day to day operations to support my art business. In the club I have dedicated myself to a minimum of 15 minutes everyday to pure joy painting, making the time happen, carving it out of the seemingly uncarvable. So far, it has really meant at least an hour, and more often several hours a day. Oh, joy of joys!