Mirror of Mine

Mirror of Mine

A mirror for mesometimes it looks like me there in the glasssometimes it looks like oppositea clashA mirror for youlooks like your past there in the glasslooks like someone else thereAll that glitters cannot mirror for uslike loved ones canAll that shinesis not...

Spring’s Path

Spring’s Path

Down the lane of sticker busheswhere juicy berries are plentiful in summerjust now tiny buddings appearAnd the path meanders offmuddy and abandonedfor a season or a lifetimetoward the wooded part of my mindWild and overgrown with songin full summer it had beenNow...

Bear Blessing

Lumbering bearwas slumbering not long agoSticks sensitive snoutin hidden placesSearching out early foodmeanders past nonchalantrespectful disinterestScruffy fur begging to be touchedgrumbly growly intensity says notImagine hugging, heck, ridingaware of muscle and...

Wild Hair

The woman with the wild hairand a moustacheHelped me when no one else was even lookingTook me under her wingin the good mom sort of wayWith pure humanityand a spot of compassionWove me past corporateinto the heart of the matterWild hair flying in undeclared breezesand...


All the fella's are busyworking the pile...Let's face itit's been winter, soggy and wetchilly and darkAnd still each new offeringhas been plentiful and juicySo, the fella's are busy wearing no hard hatsYet many all feistywith armored backsTurning out rich soilfrom the...

Joy is Like the Rain

My husband just sent this video to me, because it reminded him of me. He is such a music hound. He is always finding old and new music, or writing or re-writing music to fit the moments needs. Anyway, I really like the words in this song.



In the mudtoes oozing with gobs of itthey sat encased in itAll about the serious BUSINESSof caking it and making itinto pies and mad makeupOr doing scientific experimentson the ooze factorCool daysAaaahhh!

Just When I think…

Whenever I think I've got some kind of handle on the way my life is unfolding or the way I am handling myself in a situation or a mindset, I get reminded that maybe I don't have it so altogether as I might think that I do. It's ok. It's not like a big disappointment...


I dreamed I was giving birththis ancient body fecundWith possibilities and galaxiesendless in their beautyAnd here in this instantstars and moonslovely planets escaped my wombAnd the cry of infinite lifepierced the wind-screamingA call of blessing