
From Ninety Degrees

turned 90 degrees – life expandedwith just that little efforthorizons changedand everything became newsit on the floor and observe life above youor view life below from the top rung of the ladder new perspectives bear fruitsopportunities, opinions, ideasmost...

It’s All Beautiful

That one branch thereIs supernaturally litBy the dawning sunGlowing as if from withinA softened warm lightAll highlights brilliant------------------------------------------How is it the one was selectedby design or happenstanceAnd is there a differenceBetween the...

Changing Alliterations

“Great, galloping geckos!”They proclaimed with hair flying aboutAnd cheeks challengedBy changing alliterations“Our ornery owls are onlyoccasionally ostracized.”The flim-flam manJust crammed the napkinAll in fun, man, all in fun…

Peaceful Harvest

The harvesting was completeFor the daySo they put their suppliesAnd implements awayIn a flurry of “see ya’ laters” As he stepped into the quietOf his peaceful mindThe magnificent sunsetCaught his breathIn it’s splendor

Heart’s Nature

And as the balance tippedToward the days of shadowLife falling like leavesTo drift into pilesOr scurry awayAccording to the whimsOf the windThen dreams brightenedQuickened in the bed of silenceNurtured by the heart’sEver hopeful natureInner sunshine on a bleak day…

Season Dancers

Sun and moonequal in the skyDay and nightequal in the hours• • • •As the dancers turnThrough the seasons of their livesThe music seeps into my souland I am filled with delightAt this ever-changinggift of LifeHappy Mabon and Joyous Autumn Equinox to all…!

Container of Beauty

As you fill your cupwith the stuff of Life todayKnow that you are loved beyond measureand the beauty of your containerIs only magnified throughthe overflow of Spirit’s essence

One Step…

“One step at a time…”we’ve all heard the lineWe know it’s trueit sits in our bonesStill, doesn’t it seemthat sometimesWe could just teleportto our heart’s desire?

Nimble Hearts

That big guy, all nimbly on his toespirouetted and sang wowza songsYou and I in harmonysoft shoe along, a part of a throngA chorus of sillinesslight heartedness, all nimbly too• • • •May we ever danceAll nimblyJoined at the heartOf joyousness

Warming of the Heart

Sometimes I noticethe curl of your neckor some other tender spotAnd I’m remindedIn just that momentof human vulnerabilitiesAnd the warming of the heartIt’s then the butterflies arise againAnd I am prompted to say something