Over the courseof one moment in time Several epiphaniessparkle acrossthe skies of his bright mind And that’s just the beginning…
Merrily we Flow Along
Thwarted, shorted,snagged, and tripped He finally got the idea“Gee, maybe I’mfighting the flow” So, he let go, surrenderedand rode the current. “Ah, yes!” Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily…
Tea Cup
A delicate, even dainty, tea cupbeautiful old style chinawith a tiny chip on the lip Sits on the glass shelfon display in plain view Inside a road mapdrawn in brown-tiny cracksand pits and stainsfrom years of daily use Navigation through terrainof heart and...
Immaculate Silence
When the breeze whispers pastthe early morning blossoms Sweet nothingstickle my ears As I contemplatethe immaculate silence
As the Crow Walks
Speculating on the crowsthose that lately let me knowthat coyote medicine existseven in the bird world (which is actually the same world) ++++++++++++++++++++++ Hop, hop, look quick, hopthe big black birdplays chicken with my carhop, hop, quick look, stop Right in the...
Spirit and Me
My cup runs overas I’m filled with Spiritand I’m deep in joythrough my heart of hearts Spirit is my partnersimply my best friendand I know for surethat you stand by me So, let’s dance abundanceas we are all filled with SpiritWe can share our joywith the rest of the...
Sweet Friendship
They sprinkled spiceson their friendshipand a bit of sweetness, too Every time they escapedthe mundane ho-humthoughts of each other Dancing insteadout the side doorinto the lovely sunlight
Big Dog Joy
Big dog with the big mouthand the big heartGalumphed over to greet mesmiling and waggingCool receptionfor all his exuberanceStill the smile and the wagglecould not be stifled
All One
Far, far away from herethe rain fallsthe worms and bugs crawl And there are folksnot much different than us at all Life’s experiences and foiblescircle ‘roundfrom city to town On top of the world or downhumanity laughs and frowns All One…
Traveling Somewhere
There is a valley verdant and pristinebetween here and there The road dips round and through itas I’m travelling somewhere Meadows of flowers, grasses and bushshades of green never seen elsewherebeneath short wooded mountainsand dynamic blue skies Beauty that takes...