Round in Circles
Push and tugup and downSometimes the journeyis not all about soundKeeping the centered feelingwhere it can be foundWe sing in joyousnesswe dance barefoot on the ground‘Round and ‘round in circleswhether in country or townOur souls just playingThey/ we just keep...
Sweet Abandon
A big juicy peachperched in the nestof more plebian fruitReady for take offready to explodeon the tastebudswith sweet abandonRevealing its beautyin sweet rivuletsdown her cheekYum…
Caravan of Gypsies
We have a smashing good timecavorting like squirrelscelebrating sunlight and acornsAnd that dance of Spiritwanders like a caravan of gypsiesthrough our tender heart spaceeven on the darkest of daysFor we are blessedyou and I and allBlessed beyond measurewith Love
Untamed Adventure
Into those wild placesIn the dusty corners of my mindI trek on occasionwhen life seems a bit mundaneTracking down the improbable dreamseeking out traces of inspirationand jiggy little outbursts of glee• • •So much important stuffbargaining for my attentionTime for...
Joyous Equilibrium
With persistence he prevailedin his quest for dynamic equilibrium While out beyondideas of who we are… Our Spirits dancein joyous abandon
Shiny dark greenThat one large leaf up therewaves frantically, lyricallyall by itself, seeking attentionfrom the silent crowd below it• • •Like love, the ivy never gives upI pull it off the fencedig up the roots, cut branchesand it keeps on comingGrowing in...
Love One
There was One onceOne with many facesrecognized in many placesin many different times And that One saidaloud and silentlyexuberant and quietlythat we are all One And that One is Loveand that Love is Oneand it has all begunand it never ends LoveOne
An Agent of Prosperity
How do I act as an agent of prosperity? Day two of Peaces of Prosperity. Today's presenter - Catherine Caine - says she wants a business that blesses everyone it touches. Me too, me too! A couple years ago I went back to school at the local City college, and took a...
Peace of Prosperity
Day 1 I've been working on prosperity for quite some while. There's the old conundrum of needing money and time to do my art, and needing to do my art to experience money and time. Melissa Dinwiddie sent out a notice of this program that she is part of called "Peace...
In This Moment
Sometimesa single moment is enough Within that tiny momentworlds floating in eternity A joy biggerthan this soul could imagine The moment of inspirationThe moment of conceptionThe moment of birthThe moment of death And every single moment between…