

The path meanderedaround this fountainup over the footbridgedown by the huge oakin the valleyHe was always taking shortcutsgetting caught in the bramblesslipping on the rocky slopeOne day, he just stuck to the pathAh, what a peaceful experience…

Being True

He wore his maskwith pride and courageHiding behind his true faceAnd dancing with the Wild SpiritsAh, the joy and freedomof being true!

Invented Shadows

Even in this worldof illusionWhere we invented shadowfor density’s sakeSunlight dancesthrough the leavesAnd warms mytear-moistened cheek

Unconditional Love

Unconditional loveUnconditional loveComes from up aboveand it fits like a gloveWe are surroundedswimming in a seaof unconditional loveWe’ve only made upthis illusionary gameof separatenessso we can rediscoverthe unconditional loveOnce again

One Bite at a Time

Little spiderloves to gnawon his foodon his problemson big soft pink mountainslike meHe gives a whole new meaningto solving problemsone bite at a time

Lotus Petals

Little abalone lotusteaches me about life“Aah – Baloney!” it sayswhen faced with illusionStill, the lotus is lovelythe many petals reflectingall the colors of creation

Hopeful Kites

Pitching our dreamsto the winds o’er the cliffsAbove the valleyof the unknownThey fluttered and flappedas they fell into the updraftOur hopeful strings attachedthey rose like colorful kiteson the warm breezesof our breathGlistening, sparkling in the sunlightglowing...

Peace with Surrender

I lift my eyesto the pale blue skiesAnd with a big sighI let go of it allAhhh – such peacecomes with surrender

Miracle of Life

Everyone of usstarts off in lifewith at least two miraclesunder our beltTwo and countingEvery day after thatthat we continue to breatheis another miracleMay today and everydayhere on out be miraculousbeyond your sweetest dreamsCelebrate the miracle of you...

The Bumpy Road

Traveling on the bumpy roadof Happy DestinyI came upona sleeping rhinocerosharboring a sweet dream smilein a most un-rhinoceros wayI’ve heard of letting sleeping dogs lieand I’ve seen an elephant in the roomStill, what’s the proper procedurewhen rhino’s dream?