Energy in Motion
Raw emotion(energy in motion)moves the planetthe universe, our lives• • • •o• • • • All emotion a reflection OR deflectionof the One emotion we call Love Energy in motionrelating to itself• • • •o• • • • The motion never ever stopsAlways and...
Tomato Sublime
One spent tomato plucked late from the vinestill retains a semblance of a happier time When Sun and water, soil and and breeze combinedto contribute to a flavor, oh so sublime • • • … • • • The juice it runs down the china renegade seed upon the...
The Experience
Oh, it moved meher song in earnestnessYes, it moved me It stirred me in my depthsclapping and dancingwe rose to celebrateas it moved usand the Song renewed our faith Piano manhis fingers dancinghe was playing out Spiritthrough the keyboardand his...
Acting As If
Bragging as kidswe'd act "as if"and many times pull it off • • • º • • • I have an idealet's give it a go We can tape it togethercardboard and masking tape Pretend it's all fancyand see it it flies...
Brilliant Star
Like bone buttonson a dark blue velvet vestwe stood out with depth As brilliant stars on a moonless nightdanced across the conciousness One tiny speck, all bright and bluewhirled and twirledwith uncommon shyness and innocence And complete disregardof...
I Am Peace
Remind me againwhere's the peace?The piece of the universein which I inhabiton any given momentWhere I Simply Amall doing asideThat place which is everywheresurrounding and throughoutconsciously acknowledgedis Peace
A Better Place
It's a better place, we live inwe breathe in, we create inwe expand in It's a better placethan even yesterdaybecause we are who we are And you make it funand we're real and we dancethrough our challenges With loveunconditional love...
Highlighting the big Ta-dah!or maybe the fancy schmancy To Doexcites and appeals in a positive way Whereas, all the falderalthe adrenaline rushof hyper-fearful fictions The negative spinthe gossipy trashseems to sell big As it's adding excitementto the...
The shadow of youfixing your lunchand all the morning ritual As it was reflectedon the sun dappled windowshifting with the breezesas they tickle the leaves That shadow looked just like squirrelwiggling his spunky tailand standing on tippy toeon the top board...
Coyote’s Cry
Coyote once came sneaking aroundsniffin' a bit all about townwith a wink and a nodprepared to get down Sneaky, persistent, and loyal, tooCoyote knew what Coyote knewand his tail waving highfooling more than few As the sun prepared to leave the skyCoyote,...