Wheel of Life

Wheel of Life

I've been working on some mandala ideas lately, and the endless cyclical nature of things as well as the tree of life. This image is one of the slides in a new video slide show. (My first YouTube slideshow!)  

Happy Winter Gift

Instead of our normal e-cards this year we are offering up here the words of several past napkins with Dena's images and accompanied by our Soul's Journey band singing our original song called Unconditional Love.  It was our first attempt, and there are many things...

Dance of Life

In the cosmic dancethe partners swing outaway from each other Then, like magnetsare drawn back togetherin a great spiral The Earth she is returningto the light that is our Father Blessed be thedance of Life


*Special Note: Today is our 9th wedding anniversary.  What a blessing for the both of us.  We're very grateful!* ================================= Three is stablea building blocka triangle The wholly trinityyou, me, and Spirit• •...

Little One

That little one insidewith the big eyes innocentand wanting to believe! Is a great companionon a trip to the beachor lightly fingering colorsin creative anticipation And, yet, not someoneto put in chargeon a jaunt toward seriouslife threatening...

Awake Once

Once, and only oncewe achieve enlightenment Awake with the very fiberof our being Once, each nanosecondthat we are fully alive

Riding the Stream

She was putzingfloating on the momentfrom this project to that Riding her stream of consciousnessuntil.....BAM!the alarm rang Wow -- there wasa lot accomplished

Up and Down

Up....Sky infused brilliantsoftly piercing regal cloudsmarching dynamically rainbows, double rainbowsmoon on the horizon Down...Crystalline ice castles sparklerich soil prepares for Springcrackling underfoot Up...happy, loving, blessed,...

Seeking Faith

It didn't take a whole lot of effortor even a moderate amount of thinkingto get to the edge of the cliffthe jumping-off spot Where you'd like as not stopto relish the fat fearwhile seeking faithin all the nooks and crannies Where the wordscould not prop you...

Sweet Yearning

Set apart, the heartaches and yearnswithout encouragementthe small heart turnsIn appreciation and gratitudeexpansiveness thrivesyearning is sweetthe Spirit and flesh aliveI appreciate lifeand I am grateful!