
Blessed Rain

And the rains camewhen least expectedon the  cusp of a slim chance- or was it no chance?Tiny wisps first appearedon the coattails of a wish and a prayerbeefed up by stormy emotionsthey clanged togetherThe banging ring of pot lidsgrew and gathered‘til hunkered all...

Gold Mining

Others may spota gleaming vein of your goldlong before you Still...It's up to youto work your own mine • • • Meanwhile, your spirit shineswhen you least expect Innocence peekingfrom sparkling youthful eyes

No Pedestals

No pedestals hereneither above nor belowbefore nor behind Simply two unique individualsside by side No pedestals hereand no glass case, eitherit's all rather simple You, mediscovering togetherWe...

Infinite Grace

Singing the gloryof all that life isDancing the bodyin time to the heartbeatAll is part of infinite Grace• • •May your day be filledwith pleasant surprisessprinkled with joyous encounters and punctuated with sweetmoments of peace

Messy Blessings

"Life gets messy!"says that voice inside No need to get testyjust let it ride We're each and all blessedwith the means to get throughNo matter how messedit's all Spirit imbued• • •I like making messesand cleaning them, tooI play my best guessesand,...

Moment’s Flow

Miracles aboundwhen my heart is open As, I embrace the flowof this momenta fountain of Spiritrises up to celebratethis very moment

Happy Song

Sing a song of happinesseach moment through the day Sing it deep within yourselfno matter what others say• • • 23 Kazoosplayed a concert on the stepsof the miracle palace Thus, music was born...


Though inspired in the momenther words sounded well thought out•  •  • I invite you to invest yourselfin an opportunity to co-createconscious community By engaging:in this activityin this groupin this momentin your true passionin...

Keep the Faith

He was one hum-dingerAnd so was his songAnd the winged one flew bySilently in truth, knowing there was nothing wrong“Keep the faith,” the birdie saidAs ice fogged morning sprung to lifeWith every crisp footfallAnd, he was aware, not afraidIn the quiet hoursOf his...

Heart blooms

March your convictionborne of the heartinto the gardenof joy and peace There it blooms...• • • I am the seedof peace in my lifeI tenderly nurture itgrowing peace in the tendrilsof my beingin the branchesof my heart Sending peace seeds like...