

The seed of sincerityTransforms our heartsInto the flowerOf unconditional loveAmazing!The Grace of the momentAs it blooms with desireFor the BelovedSpirit stirringIn the heart…

Organic Feelings

She tells her storiesWith big engagementEnsconced in the dramaRiding along the emotionsIt’s so realUntil the dayImmersed in silenceThe bliss overwhelmingDetachment was bornShe tells the storiesAs if, as ifDigging into the rich soilOrganic feelingsHarvested by wisdom’s...

Heaven’s Heart

I woke up this very morningwith a smile playing across my faceand a song singingin my heart of heartsWhile the melody of Spiritplays within mein this very momentmagic occurs, birds flyAnd the stars burnwith fervent passion for lifeever renewed, quickeningin the...

New Territory

In betweenthe words seeped infilling up the gapsPromised to become agatesjewels of wisdom quietin a thousand years or tenThe geography of relationshipa thing of beauty, at worstwhen observed from a distanceLooking at us from a 1,000 feet upthere is a landscape of...

Spiral Dance

The spiral of our soul’s pathTakes us ever nearer the centerThe one, the All we never leftMy life is a seriesOf circumstancesOn the spiral danceWe call Time…

Wild Heart

He was qualifiedto boast with his chesthis throat opened wideAs he called forth the WildmanLike fire through the veinsWith a voice so authenticit shook the veils between realitiesAnd landed gentlyon the cracked open heart

Energy in Motion

Emotion overtooklike an insistent force of NatureWhipping the hair aroundbanging on pots and pansin a blustery outburst• • •It would be work, they sayand so it is trueas the gut hurtas emotions flewAnd, afterwards, in the wakeas peace overcameand all wiped cleancrisp...

Peace Troubadour

** Dedicated to Pete Seeger, Truth Warrior and Peace Seeker **Ever and always the wise elderthe troubadour of peaceawoke freedom in our heartsand brightness in our stepsWhirling in rhyme friendlyand weaving words of wisdomhe led multitudesin a dance of dignitySimple...

Tree of Life

Tree of Life

Outside the Box is the name of the major annual Placer Arts fundraiser show and auction.  My piece for the show this year is of the seasons on the Tree of Life. It is up for a silent auction right now online (check it out here) which will culminate live at the Blue...

Simply Incongruous

Some hairy clown in a tutustopped by to consolethe agitated hippo stuck in the mud• • •How can one describe thatwithout seeming absurd?Certainly some of life’s observationsare best kept impressed on the brain onlypaying silent homageto the appearance of reason and...