Year 3 Happy
Bumbling alongthe little guy was trying to carryfar too big a loadHis little armswere taxedalmost beyond capacityStill, with his innocent hearthis face harboredhis shiny smile
Daily Napkin for Thursday, January 14, 2010
In the dark of the new moonin the wilderness alonewandering up the hillThe gurgling sound of creekdrew near in the silent seeking heartas open as eyes widecalling, "Guide me" in whispered voiceso quiet -- the thoughts could barely hear the plea...Here, now, stop and...
Daily Napkin for Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Preface:One full turningof a life, of the year,of the month, the weekOne full turningeach momentSpirals within spiralsIn and out again'round and 'roundLove expressesin all its...
Daily Napkin for Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Raven squawkedand ruffled her tailcontemplating loudlywalking the landa lady in waitFeathers so dark and sombereven as she struttedwith life and wisdomDarkness implodedand struck accordRe-emerged the birthof light
Daily Napkin for Monday, January 11, 2010
Telling the storywith a bit of a flairselling the conceptwith every little detailThe theme builds ridgesgrooves in my mindtill I think one directionalone perspective all the time-----------------------------Rattling cages, shaking the storyDancing on housetopsA...
Threefer Year 3 joy
Opening his heartwith love for lifeand the world,little meadowlark sangjoyouslygreeting the brand new day
Year 3 Gratitude
She found that her gratitudecarried her out of any valley,healed the painof any situationShe became gratefulfor her gratitude
year 3
"Aw, gee," said little bug, "Why me?"Then he took upthe load he was givenand walked offtoward his destination
Daily Napkin for Thursday, January 7, 2010
Juicy sweet, anddripping down the chin,life just keeps on deliveringmore and more of the good stuffMmmm...yummers!Grateful, I am...for every morselfor each chewy bitfor this magnificentgift of life!
Pond Mirror
On the rock that dayby the pool, so stilland alive in unseen depths,the dragonflies rejoicedin meadow and fertile airOccasional plops and slurpsvibrated throught viscous silenceas there I saw my facein that magic miror...Without comment,turtle slowly shuffled by...