Mid-winter Dream
Emerging from the caveand the darkness richwhere visions are spawnedMomma bear gave a gruntfrom deep insideher growling tummy..."What did I lose? Where did it go?",she asked the ethersin a bearish way, sniffingthe air, the dead plant,the frozen ground...then lumbered...
Where no birds sang
On the rock,where no birds sangand soft breezesdared not blowwith tears of joy and blessing,bones warmed by the sunfeet dangled over the precipiceThere (and only there)life peeked out verdantwith sticker bushesand hope bloomingfor seeking glances
Bathing in Light
Bathing in the light,soaking in the brilliance,the rich depths of meare flooded with awarenesslayers upon layersyears of experienceimmersed in joyous remembrancewarmed by light's caressConsciousness luxurioussubtle and deep
This Planet
The sky's no limitto what we can experienceOut beyond ideas of correctand liesthere is a planetLet's dance therelike wild children
The candle burns it's little light bright in the velvety darknessThe moth is attractedit's conflagrationa phsst!in the symphony of the nightWe are each the candleWe are one with the mothWhat silly winged thing is waiting in usto burn away in our own brightness?
Fair Play: a ride on the carousel.Rocket Science: something that requires study.Love: everything.--------It's not rocket science - I love playing with youon the carousel of life.
Daily Napkin for Thursday, Feb. 11, 2010
Once upon a time,at least a few minutes ago,there was a little boyeyes filled with wonderheart heavy as stoneincongruent, yet integrousalive but not awakeawake but not awareawake of aches long pastencouraged through loveand acceptanceto release his heavy load
Daily Napkin for Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2010
Shout it out with great enthusiasmtap your foot with the rythmn of your songawaken your heart with Spirits promptingseek your soul in every placeand so with vervecrow cawed his greetingand with awesome powerhe emoted his beingand on and onthe others cawed backin...
Daily Napkin for Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2010
When it's grayand all colorsare shades of grayand stillness sitsin graynesslike a blanketwet and soggyThen, I let the sunin meshine brighter...Full spectrum light
Daily Napkin for Monday, February 8, 2010
Have you ever noticed?There's more than enoughof everything...Plenty of sandno skimping on beautyLove everywhereand light everydayEvidence of a prosperousuniverse filled withmore than enough...