
Little Bird

KOOK-KOOK-ATOO!Every little birdloves to sing their songJust lean back and bellerwith all the heart!There is such simple pleasurein being fully engaged...YAHOO!

Banks of Serenity

My mind is always floatingnear the banks of serenityKeep me, keep me in peaceas I walk through life's dramas...

Guiding Hawk

Hawk sat there in the small treesquawking at me, low and nearCalling to my senses awakening"This way, come this way,"he saidwith his actions and his stanceLeaving perch with flutter and squawkhe led me to my inner knowingAs he headed east in guiding burstsblazed the...

Smell Awakens

She had a smell historywith built in buttonsfor convenience and automation------------------------------------------Fresh bread bakingspeaks to her of comfort and familyFresh cut grass awakenswatermelon juice drippingdown the chin on hot summer dayOther's trigger...

Souls Journey

We join together hearts rejoicingcircled up to share some songsDevotional praises aboundingheartfelt rhythms move us alongA group of friends called Souls JourneyWe play music and sing of LightGod, Goddess, Spirit, Great Mysterykiirtan dance and chant...

Dry Wells

It used to be we'd gather 'roundthe Well of Life, as oneA community, come togetherto fill up and be nourishedAs much by each other's companyas our thirst was slaked by waterNow, we thirst and hunger moreas if blinded by self-determinationwe each attempt to dig our...


Spellboundmouth gaping in aweWe gazed at the beautywith hearts aching...from expansionThere on the lipof complete comprehensionThere where tears burst forthin appreciationLove and gratitude held us tightin a grip ecstaticas our spirits danced on Light

Turtle Buffet

Turtle Buffet

Turtle mused on flowers fancy"Oh, what a sumptous lunch," thought heThen sniffed the air, the perfumed aromaconsidered sweet delicacies for freeOne step he took in anxious excitementand another, he took in hyper speedPerambulating in hurried fashionto the buffet...


On the beach under the palmcradled by the warm sandWe listened to constant washingof the magnificent shore------------------------------------------------------------On the beech under my palmcuddled by the warm barkBug listened to constant washingof the hose outside...

Cycle of Sacred Inspiration

There is a never-endingsupply of inspirationBreathe it ininhale the sweet perfume of Lifeabsorb it into every pore, every cellIn the moment of silencelisten to the whispers in the heartThen exhale into "creativity"release the flow of sacred breatheThere, in that quiet...