
Curly Clouds

Freshly Bombardedwith blessings of colorBright treesand curly cloudson a brisk and brilliant dayGrasses muted in season's endswirled and layed downAnd danced again with cheerful...

Mental Fury

Taming the fury in my mindI listened to the whispers of my heartfelt the longings of my soulRiding the rapids of emotionsI centered on the tractor beam of Spiritstayed focused on the point of LoveAnd found peace in the midst of Life

Thought Horizon

When the sun ariseson the horizonof my thoughtsAll the silly little fearful onesscatter to hidein the shadowsToday is a bright day---no hiding places left

Sweet Glen

Not too long agojust across that stream of consciousnessIn a sweet glenof fern and speckled sunlightBaby deer awoketo the fullness of heartinherent in all that lives

Nature’s Gifts

Barefeet cuddled and softly cushionedby mounds of wooly thymeSweet jasmine curls around the noseon soft perfumed breezes climbThat was then and this is nowthe leaves all oranges and redsAnd mums bright bouquetswith sharper smellshow off their fancy headsSpring or...

Happy Dog

The thing I like abouta happy dog isDog doesn't give a ripwhat the silly grin looks likeDog just exudes joyThat's why dog works so wellfor the G-O-D anagramJoy, joy, joy, joy, joy!

Friendly Neighbors

Habits invite themselvesin the back doorOpportunities for changeknockon the front door


When you meetthe jester on the roadsometimes the jesterturns and steps in cadencewith you for a while*  *  *  *  *  *May as well dance

Guava Squirrel

"Day in and day outas an expression of infinite sourcean artesian spring of love,my heart overflowsbubbling over with sweet joyBlessed beyond measureby gratitudes grace..."-------------------------------------------Thus, thought squirrelwithout the wordsin his tiny...

Container of Beauty

Container of Beauty

Beauty and Joy Many years ago I made the conscious decision to choose joy in my life, and went about discovering how that could be more my experience than some alternative one. Filling my cup with that joy, that beauty, is a life long endeavor, achievable only one...