
Song Flower

Roots deep in the rich mucksing out beautyInfusing your spirit to the flowering of yoursong of loveOne petalone moment at a time...

Mental Crossroads

Strolling along past scenesand dreams of consciousnessHe arrived at a crossroadsin his mind"I choose Joy!" he declaredas he tookthe right path for himself

Sacred Meadowlark

Sacred Meadowlark

Meadowlark singshis wispy lighthearted tuneAnd all the world around himbends to hear his melodyleans to know his songThe "V" of victory expandsas he breathes in Life's essenceAnd the vibrating yellow of sunshineexpresses his Life Songon the breezeTrill bird, song...

Too Many Possums

Opossum plays deadat the least little frightHe even smells dead!Can you imaginespending your lifepretending not to be fully alive and present?Lots of possums 'round here...

Art and Fixing Technology

About twenty-four years ago I was a graphic designer, yet new to the computer world, other than a stint with a character recognition machine at a newspaper that had employed me. The first computer I worked on was given to us. It had two floppies and no hard drive. I...

Courageous Serenity

Examples aplentyin Nature can be foundfor serenity and couragemost naturally aboundBear, for example, is easyserenely walking the woodsyet with courage faces obstaclesAnd how 'bout squirrelwith all his chatteringstops to ponder for a momentshows serenity in actionand...

Cloud Faces

Have you ever noticed the ants and bugsleading their busy lives,just below the grass?Or, the way the clouds adjusttheir faces above, ad infinitum...while playful breezes wigglethe little hairs on your head?----------------------------------------------It takes time...


I surrender my stubbornessIn doubt, I take it backI give up my attachmentsIn nostalgia, I re-attachI forgive those trespassersIn resentment, I chew some moreI release the need to controlFear wells up with rulesI surrender my will over and over Then in denial or...

The Pond of Life’s Stillness

Near the meadowby the pondthere's a large rock I lay onWhen the sun sneaksthrough the treesto warm the rock and my bonesMosses bright and tinkling springturtle warms herself, tooAnd deer, when I am still,stops to drink it inThe serenity of this placegraces my quiet...