In No-Moon’s Darkness

Moon had gone to bed

off to play in dreamland

on the other side

Stars were hiding-seek too well

as if they’d dropped from the sky

• • •

In darkness thick as rabbit fur

we traversed the wood

Listening to the breath of silent wind

feeling the way with bared feet

With eyes closed and hearts open

and the simple faith of trusting children

Until, at last, we arrived home

without a scratch or trepidation

Crack the Door Open

There’s no need, dear heart
to stomp and storm
Nor declare loudly
your willingness to listen
Simply crack the door open
–that is all that’s necessary–
the light will flood through
Crack the door open
hear the symphony
in the silence
See the glorious light
throughout the dark
Mothers Day

Mothers Day

on the surface of our mother
in the cities built by man
many times it is so easy
to forget from whence we came

though the voices whisper
in our inner ear at times
when the silence helps us hear
urgings so sublime

yet the honks and sirens blowing
and the rush of day to day
may detour our awareness
keep quiet guidance at bay

so this mothers day I’m suggesting
take a moment to check in
feel the earth and all creation
and then earnestly within

Head to Heart to Home

Head to Heart to Home

small voice becoming
recognizable in the din
of every day
of everyone
Hearing the whispers
of the small one
lean into the listening
walking softly
on my path